Money is a driver for many emotions, good and bad. When the money is good, we feel good. Our confidence is up, hope for the future shines bright, we feel secure, we may even see the world in a different way.
When money is down, the opposite is true.
We have all worried about money. It could a bill that we can't pay, or a home or car repair we need but can't afford, or worse it could be an opportunity we could take advantage of if we had the money.
If money worries continue, there is a price. It could be physical, such as insomnia, heart issues, digestion, even a weakened immune system. Worry also leads to anxiety and possibly depression.
Money trouble stains relationships. Friends, family members, coworkers can all suffer as worries about money are unresolved.
There is no quick fix. The lottery won't do it. Waiting for something good to happen won't do it. So what can you do? Here are some ideas:
1. Try to focus on the positive. Depending on your situation and the severity of your money concerns, you may benefit from thinking of what you have. Sometimes what we worry about looms large in front of us, and we forget the things we have such as food, shelter, clothing.
2. Remember money is only one part of life. Do you have a rewarding marriage? Is your family a source of comfort and encouragement? Do you enjoy your coworkers who help you grow in your industry? Money problems are real, but there is more to life than money.
3. Setting mental boundaries can help. If you are able to hold to your schedule, plan a time to look at money issues, and then plan a time to stop thinking about them. This is not easy! But thinking about money incessantly is not helpful.
We don't mean to make this sound simplistic, and it is not easy. However, it is possible to see change in this area, with focus and a friend.
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